School fees for 2025: Total fee for the year is R67 900 + R3 550 Annual Development Levy.
(Amount includes eye and ear tests, outings, stationery and selected educational shows).
Payment Options
- Development Levy – R3 550 to be paid upfront or termly
- A discount is offered if this fee is paid in full by 31 January 2025, the amount thus being R64 505 560span>
- The 3-term payments of R22 070 per term
- Alternatively, 11 monthly payments of R6 175
- Payments should be made by electronic transfer – strictly NO CASH
- A full term’s notice of the child leaving the school must be given to the school in writing before the close of the preceding term otherwise the school shall be entitled to recover the full term's fees in lieu thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, and by way of example, should notice be given midway through the second term, then the third term's fees will be due and payable in full. Should notice be given prior to commencement of the second term, then only the second term's fees will be due and payable.
Bank Details
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Rosebank
Code: 253305
Current Acc No: 50332116934
Name: Parkview Pre-Primary
- Download and fill in the form and email to: info@parkviewpreprimary.co.za
Registration Fee
- A registration fee of R300.00 applies
- Please pay this fee into the Parkview Pre Primary bank account (details above) and send proof of payment to: info@parkviewpreprimary.co.za
Policy Documents
Provisional Calendar 2025
Term 1- Start Wed, 15 January
- Close Thurs, 3 April
- Mid-term: 12:00 Thurs, 20 Feb – Return Tues, 25 Feb
- Start Wed, 7 May
- Close Fri, 15 August
- Mid-term: 12:00 Fri, 27 June – Return Mon, 14 July
- Start Wed, 3 Sep
- Close Wed, 2 December
- Mid-term: 12:00 Wed, 15 Oct – Return Tues, 21 Oct